Short Bio - Dr. Andy Klein

Dr. Andy Klein was the Associate Director of Business Programs at DeVry University, where he worked in Central Academics for twenty years. His other positions at DeVry included Regional Manager for Chicago, Director of Faculty Relations, Program Manager of the Master of Human Resource Management program, and Curriculum Manager in several areas. He earned his BA in Economics from the University of Massachusetts at Boston, a MBA in International Business from the University of Chicago, and a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Andy Klein now is an Assistant Professor of Management at the American University of Sharjah, UAE.

Dr. Andy teaches Entrepreneurship, Organizational Behavior, Change Management, and Human Resource Planning. He has provided training in leadership and corporate culture for a variety of corporate clients, including the Veterans Administration Hospital System (HINES VA), Zebra Tech, Commonwealth Edison, among others. He regularly teaches leadership development workshops at Lebanese American University in the Institute of Banking and Finance in Beirut, and has taught seminars in human resource management at Northeastern University in Shenyang, China. Prior to moving to the UAE in 2007, he was an Adjunct Professor at Northwestern University’s (Evanston Illinois) Master of Product Development program, where he taught Ethics and Leadership.

His research interests focus on the role of organizational culture and leadership in firm effectiveness and performance. He is a golf nut, although not a particularly good one, and lives with his wife Mary Kay and their Cairn Terriers, Max and Sophie, in the United Arab Emirates.
